Nagualism(Mexican Sorcery)

the tonal | The tonal is everything we see including ourselves and the world. The tonal does not create anything. The tonal only witnesses and evaluates. Like an island in the sea, the tonal is born from the nagual. The tonal begins with our birth, and the tonal ends with our death. |
the nagual | The nagual is something that cannot be expressed in words. The nagual is power and the nagual creates the tonal. When we die, everything, the senses,reality, the self, etc. is dispersed and floats in the nagual. |
reason and will | If we look at ourselves as individuals, there are two points :reason and will. Reason perceives only the tonal, but will is at the point where both the tonal and the nagual intersect. So, will can perceive both the tonal and the nagual. According to nagualism, will is in the position of the abdomen. When we are born, we are placed in a bubble called the tonal. At first this bubble is open, but as we grow and our reason develops, it gradually begins to close ,and eventually we are trapped within it. The bubble is our perception, and what we see within its round walls is ourselves. In order to break out of that tonal bubble, we have to organize our tonal. We have to purify our ego-consciousness and attachments in our tonal. And we have to harmonize our outer appearance with our inner mind. This creates the strong tonal. And it allows the tonal to shrink easily. And when the bubble is opened from the purified side of the tonal, the half side of the bubble will be occupied by will, not by reason. Then we have two points, not just reason, but both reason and will, which allows us to use the power of will. |
talking | Reason is only connected with talking, |
dreaming | Will is connected with dreaming. By connecting with will, we can do astral projection. |
seeing | Will is connected with seeing. Seeing is to feel everything as energy. The human body is essentially made of energy, but we think of it as solid through our reason. By seeing, we can feel the energy flowing through the body. |
feeling | Feeling is to intuit truth. When we are able to connect with our will, we are able to know the truth of things as intuition, and things will go the way we want them to go. |
the assemblage point | According to Nagualism, we and everything around us are emanations of energy. When, a sorcerer looks at a human being as energy, the human being looks like an egg-shaped cocoon. In the surface of the cocoon, there is a glowing part, which is called the assemblage point. The assemblage point is where the human cocoon and the energy outside the cocoon unite to generate perception. |
the first attention | The glowing part on the surface of the cocoon is called the first attention. We perceive this real world through this first attention. |
the second attention | On rare occasions, this glowing part can move inside the human cocoon. This glowing part inside the cocoon is called the second attention. According to Nagualism, the world is multidimensional like the skin of an onion. Then, by moving the assemblage point and changing the level of consciousness, another world can be perceived. When the assemblage point moves to the second attention, we are able to do astral projection and perceive a world other than the real world. We usually run out of our own energy and there is little energy left in our own cocoon. So the assemblage point can't move to the second attention. However, according to Nagualism, the practice of Nagualism allows energy to be stored in the chakras of the body. As you continue the practice, your daily assemblage point will slowly but steadily move inside the cocoon, and you will be able to do astral projection. |
the third attention | The force that makes the cocoon glow is called intent ,or spirit. By storing the energy within you, you connect with the intent that is deep within the cocoon. And with that intent, not just a part of the cocoon but the entire cocoon can glow, This is called the third attention. When we die, our present consciousness is eventually dispersed and we are destined for reincarnation. However, Nagualism teaches that if we can attain the third attention, we can continue our present consciousness forever after death in the multidimensional world. |
stalking | This is the training method to store energy. Nagualism teaches us to practice the seven arts of stalking. As you practice stalking and conserve energy, your perception slowly but steadily shifts from the first attention to the second attention, and you will also be able to do astral projection. |
choose your battlefield | The first art of stalking is to choose your battlefield. Think about all the things you are afraid of in the future and think how you can deal with them in advance. Then enter them into a computer or something. Once you have done that, you will no longer spend energy worrying about it. |
discard everything that is not necessary | The second art of stalking is to discard everything that is not necessary. |
put your life on the line in every battle | The third art of stalking is to put your life on the line in every battle. Nagualism uses the concept of death as a means of gathering energy. This is because people naturally gather energy in times of crisis. |
relax and fear nothing | The fourth art of stalking is to relax and fear nothing. Fear comes from being controlled by others or being attached to self-importance, money, and so on. When you free your energy from such things, fear naturally disappears, and you can live a relaxed life. |
retreat for a moment, when faced with a difficult situation. | The fifth art of stalking is to retreat for a moment, when faced with a difficult situation. When you practice stalking, you are able to free your energy from your self-importance , so that you can retreat without worrying about what others think of you. Instead of clinging to a losing battle, you can temporarily step back, and you can rethink your strategy. |
compress time | The sixth art of stalking is to compress time. When you conserve energy for yourself by stalking, you feel time compressed. On the other hand, when energy is dissipated by being trapped outside yourself, you lose yourself and your consciousness becomes blurred. |
not to push yourself to the front | The seventh art of stalking is not to push yourself to the front. If you are in the foreground, you will attract the attention of others, and you will spend unnecessary energy and effort. You have to avoid attracting attention and focus your energy only on what you want to do. |
petty tyrant | In Nagualism, the term petty tyrant is used to describe a person who has a strong ego-consciousness and obsession and doesn't care at all about harming others. It is good luck for the practitioner to meet a petty tyrant. When you meet a petty tyrant, you either have to obey the petty tyrant, or you have to gather your own energy and respond to the petty tyrant with a strategy. For this reason, a practitioner is forced by the petty tyrant to use the art of stalking and to gather energy within himself, which results in his own growth. |
the recapitulation | The recapitulation is the training method of remembering your past life. First, write down all the people you have met in the past, and remember all the events associated with them. It is not a practice of simply remembering past events. You must remember all the emotions you felt at the time as if you were experiencing the event at the time. |
the outer astral body | According to Nagualism, people's astral bodies float outside their bodies, and usually the outer astral body clings to other people's astral bodies in everyday life, and it has been torn to pieces. To complete the astral body, you have to gather the astral body which is in pieces outside the body to yourself . |
the purpose of the recapitulation | Like the Buddhist concept of karma, Nagualism teaches that human energy is bound to people and events beyond time and space. Through the recapitulation of remembering the past, you can free your energy that is bound beyond time and space. |
energy lines | As you gather your energy through the recapitulation, you will feel energy lines rising from the abdomen along the spine. These energy lines can be used to open chakras in the abdomen, the heart, the head. As the energy lines open the chakras, you can merge the inner energy lines with the astral bodies floating outside the body. In this way, Nagualism explains the astral projection can be done and the astral body can be completed. According to the teachings of Nagualism, by continuing the practice of recapitulation, one is liberated from past attachments,and the astral body is built, and one is able to do astral projection. Finally, one can be liberated from reincarnation. |
intent | According to Nagualism, intent is the source of all things, and intent is the force that makes the impossible possible. When one is connected to intent, one is able to use intent to realize one's desires. In order to realize your desires, your connection to intent must be strong. If that's so, you will be able to use your intent by simply focusing on what you want. First, you command your desire to yourself. Then you repeat the command to yourself. By repeating the command to yourself, the command becomes the command of the source of all things, intent. Then the command comes to be realized. |
stopping the internal dialogue | in Nagualism, the training method of stopping the internal dialogue is explained many times. It is the training method of stopping your thoughts for half an hour or an hour in order to achieve inner silence. In this practice, you must stop your internal dialogue with a strong will just as you learned the language with a strong will. This frees the energy from reason, and allows the energy to be gathered into intent. Since intent is the opposite of reason, it is necessary to stop the internal dialogue and free the energy from reason. |
the six abstract cores | Nagualism explains how we are connected with intent as the six abstract cores. By understanding the six abstract cores, we can strengthen our connection with intent. |
the manifestation of the spirit | The first abstract core is called the manifestation of the spirit. When the connection between you and intent is activated, the spirit, namely intent, can manifest to you through intuition. For example, there may have been times in your life when your life gets better because you acted on your intuition. This is called the manifestation of the spirit. |
the knock of the spirit | The second abstract core is called the knock of the spirit. In the knock of the spirit, you recognize the intervention of the spirit in your life through a series of events. For example, there may have been a time in your life when you struggled without money. And just at that time, you may have happened to get some money. Or you may have escaped a certain crisis by a certain coincidence. This is called the knock of the spirit. |
the trickery of the spirit | The third abstract core is called the trickery of the spirit. The trickery of the spirit is that intent plays a trick on you. The spirit makes you behave differently than you normally would, and makes you grow. For example, you may have had a certain ordeal in your life. And, because of that ordeal, you might have grown as a result. This is called the trickery of the spirit. |
the descent of the spirit | The fourth abstract core is called the descent of the spirit. It is an experience in which the spirit reveals itself to you. Specifically, you have the mystical experience of seeing fibers of light. Nagualism teaches that the essence of the real world is made up of fibers of light. The fibers of light are described as innumerable, vibrating, alive, aware, and overwhelming pressure, and my own clear light experiences in the past have been just like that. |
the requirements of intent | The fifth abstract core is called the requirements of intent, and the name was changed from spirit to intent from the fifth abstraction because it is not an action from the spirit to you, but an action from you to intent. In the requirements of intent, you can use the shine of your own eyes to invoke intent. Intent is light, and it is connected to the shine of the eyes. For example, you can relive your mystical experience by intending the specific shine of your eyes that is associated with your mystical experience in the past. |
handling intent | The sixth abstract core is called handling intent. In handling intent, if you have enough energy, you can connect with intent completely at will. Intent is called silent knowledge because there is wisdom beyond thinking. There is no dualistic distinction between subjective and objective. So, when you completely connect with intent, you come to feel like you are in two places at once. |
What intent is | According to Nagualism, Intent is the force that causes a portion of one's energy emanations to glow. And it is the force that creates one's perception. By connecting with intent, one can also make the inner part of one's energy emanations that don't normally glow, glow. In this way, one can also do astral projection, and perceive the world of another dimension. In addition, by connecting with intent, one can also make all parts of one's energy emanations glow. In this way, one can eventually be liberated from reincarnation. |